Ελαστικό αλγινικό υλικό αποτύπωσης με ένδειξη αλλαγής χρώματος μεταξύ βημάτων, σύντομο χρόνο εργασίας, υψηλή ελαστικότητα ταυτόχρονα υψηλή αντοχή εφελκυσμού και χαμηλή παραμόρφωση.
Ευχάριστο άρωμα κερασιού.
Alginate Impression Material
Elastic Cromo is the most popular alginate impression materials due to its many excellent properties like colour indication of working steps, prolonged impression pouring, short working time, high elasticity at simultaneous high compression strength and low deformation. Patients will appreciate pleasant cherry aroma and neutral flavour of mixed material.
Product benefits
- Controlled handling due to colour change indicator of each work-step
- Easy removing from the patient´s mouth –optimum elasticity of the impression
- Dimension stability
- Precise detail reproduction
- Prolonged impression pouring time up to 120 hours
- High strength of impressions – possibility of the second pouring
- High-quality surface of the plaster model
- Partial dentures
- Orthodontics
- Study models
- Temporary crowns and bridges
- Reparation of removable restorations
- Preliminary impressions for fabricating of individual impression trays